
Provide education opportunities for Youth

School is not free in Kenya, leaving many children left without an education. This is where we can step in to assist families that need help. Spark of Opportunity partners with donors like you to change the odds of these children’s future. We personally work with the families and the school they choose to make a way for the children to achieve their academic goals and succeed in life

The cost of sponsoring a child is:

  • $25 a month for a partial scholarship
  • $50 a month for a full scholarship or
  • $600 a year if you prefer to pay annually.

Your contribution will cover tuition, the required assessment books, admission fees, text books and uniforms. You will receive a progress card at the end of each quarter and have the opportunity to speak with them on line if you choose.

We call it a “scholarship” and not “sponsorship” because we require the families/youth to participate by attend school regularly and showing performance reviews as we continue to build relationship with them. We are not interested in tossing money toward a family/youth that has no ambition or thinks they have won the lottery by obtaining a “sponsor’. The attitude it to be one of relationship and mutual respect as that is always our goal.

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